About Me


I’m an aspiring Web Developer with 12 years experience in various IT backgrounds. I enjoy learning new technologies and expanding my knowledge. My curiosity on how things work has always treated me well and has focused my problem solving skills. I’m good at working with others and communicating.

I have always had a facination with new technology and how things worked. Me going to a Bootcamp to learn Web Development in MERN has been a great experience and am looking forward to showing off my skills and putting my probelm solving to work.

Our first project in Boot Camp my group won 4 of the 6 awards offered. The excitment our group had and the fun we had coding that project was eye opening. We felt great when we wrote a line of code and it worked the first time. Moving into Project 2 we took our excitment and focused on improving on it. That feeling of excitment and imporving my skills is what I want to bring to this indistery.